Monday, October 12, 2009

Holiday Pillows

Bridget's been sewing again. Placemat pillows (pillows made out of placemats) have found their way around. I have made a few for my daughter's bed. They're a cheap way to add a little something to your plain couch cushions and there are tons of different patterns and colors. But don't forget you can decorate for the holidays with pillows too.
Here's a photo how-to on making a placemat pillow.

Christmas stockings done the same way make great pillow decorations too.

Just stitch the opening closed when you're done.

You know Target has placemats on clearance all the time, so keep an eye out. Before you buy one, make sure it's made to where you can stuff it, or buy two so you can sew them together.

Fabric napkins are also a great option. Buy 2 and sew them together almost all the way around. Stuff it, then stitch the opening closed.

1 comment:

Kelli said...

That is a great idea! I made a few of the mod podge balls this weekend. Gearing up for super sat!